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Monday, October 19, 2009

Country: Slovakia Brynza Hulusky

Here's a recipes that is from Slovakia its called Brynza Hulusky  its very tasty and very
filling i tried this many times,basically its like mac and cheese but with dumplings.....
Brynza is  a special cheese made out from sheep's milk.
It can be replaced by a cottage cheese made from cow's milk
so give it a try and tell me what you guys think of it

2-3 of larger uncooked potatoes
fine whole wheat flour
smoked bacon


- peel and finely grate potatoes.

- add flour in order to make a dough or mixture which is not too tough but not to watery. Some people add milk to the mixture but it is not necessary to do so.

- add salt to taste.

- boil enough water with 2 tbsp of salt.

- then form the dumplings with a knife or teaspoon on with cold water washed wooden plate and thrown them into the bubbling salted water. (There is now special equipment now with which you can form halusky more easily and which can be bought shops in Slovakia.)

- boil the dumplings a little.

- when the dumplings are done they will float on the surface of the water. Pick them out with a strainer, rinse with cold water and mix with bryndza. - cut up little pieces of smoked bacon and fry them. Then put the fried bacon pieces on top of the meal. 

1 comment:

  1. good recipe, as a Slovak i have enjoyed this meal many times, the tool used to make halusky is a small pan with 1.5-2cm holes in the bottom. you put this over boiling water and add halusky mixture and stir so it drops out of bottom into water. also the traditional drink to go with it is "sour milk" like butter milk but tastes like sour cream mmmmmm
    be sure to pour fat from bacon onto halusky as well, very good meal for gaining weight!
